Notebook Date: 3.30.2010
Project: costume design
Event: TNUA 北藝大舞蹈系上年度演出
Event Date: 5.27-5.30
Presented by: TNUA Dance program 北藝大舞蹈系
Title: 殘缺破裂
Choreographer: 楊孝萱
Dancers: 9 female 6 Male dancers
I have not been writing for a while. With the end of the TNUA Spring dance performance, I am currently back in updating the blog with some new info.In the making of costume for Incomplete puzzles with Xiao-xuan 孝萱 was as pleasant as it gets. She is a wonderful person and great to work with. From the starting point, we wanted a costume that visually a bit more colorful but not so over-powering. The dance was upbeat, fast pace and lots of partnering between the boys and girls. In the beginning, our intention was to make the body a bit more visible especially the limbs. We didn't particularly has a color in mind but as the creative process continues, we were both drawn to violet purple, reds, browns and greens.
The girls: The ideas came from bathing suit. Instead of making the usual dance costume with leotard and spandex top. I wanted to present the the clothes that is a bit more form fitting like a bikini top. The top is wrapped with netted knit materials to give the red color a bit less vibrant . The thick waistband on top of the thigh also wrapped with the same materials. The hems are uneven to create an interesting proportion.
The guys: With the boys bare chested, comes a full and baggy pants which length ended below the knees. It is one of those inspired Indian dhoti pants with a wrap over, very comfortable and with the waistband, it's roomy and fluid enough to show the dancer's leg.
Initial fitting at the garment making studio.All photos by Jordan K
all right reserved studiolifequartet 2010