Friday, April 2, 2010

Naked Thoughts 40210

cover: remind myself what this journal/notebook is about..
Brainstorming for branding consultancy project
Inspiration sketches for PONYTAIL
backstage at HORSE dance performance, all I am thinking about is movement.
sketches for BULA's new work

Journaling is an art.
Every artist, designer, choreographer, business executive or student has some sort of ways to record their diaries, meetings, agenda, or even personal information that is very dear to them. It is very often not just a book simply act as a reminder, but also an outlet for any immediate thoughts or brainstormed ideas. It documents your thought process so that later on can be retrieved for usage. There are so many different ways of doing it and it's completely free style. Looking at these books can easily understand the creative process and others can get a better picture of your creative DNA and what inspire you.
As an artist, designer, dancer and yoga teacher myself, I have over the years used many books of various forms and shapes. ( I have boxes just to store these sketch book/journals) Some of it just personal diaries journaling my life while majority are sketch books that store countless drawings of fashion sketches, patterns, and sometimes tear sheet from magazines. In my most recent collection, I also have calender, yoga class sequences, dance combination, scribble, rants and so forth, I shall share with you much more as I unveil this journal art project at Studio LQ. It's PERSONAL and it's NAKED and it's quite an ART.....Let's share with me what you think and perhaps show me yours..

All photos by Jordan K
all right reserved studiolifequartet 2010

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