Wednesday, March 31, 2010

TNUA 2010年度演出: 楊孝萱 rehearsal Part 1

Notebook Date: 3.30.2010
Project: costume design
Event: TNUA 北藝大舞蹈系上年度演出
Event Date: 5.27-5.30
Presented by: TNUA Dance program 北藝大舞蹈系
Title: TBA
Choreographer: 楊孝萱
Dancers: 8 female 6 Male dancers
All photos by Jordan K
all right reserved studiolifequartet 2010

TNUA 2010年度演出: Bulareyaung Rehearsal Part 2: Male Order

The development of a cannon

Notebook Date: 3.30.2010
Project: costume design
Event: TNUA 北藝大舞蹈系上年度演出
Event Date: 5.27-5.30
Presented by: TNUA Dance program 北藝大舞蹈系
Title: TBA 勇士
Choreographer: Bulareyaung 布拉瑞楊
Dancers: TBA, total 21 Male Dancers

If there is any challenge in creative logic in costuming dance performance, I think in Bulareyaung's new work of all male warrior dancing definitely meeting that right now. The prototype of male dancers traditionally associate with strength and power that disguised in the role of father, king, businessman, hero. leader, warrior and so forth is now being breakthrough. The fast pace rhythmic choreography demands discipline and order, but also see each dancers in its unique and own special way. In order to style them differently, it's necessary to understand the underlying motive of what make them dance and digging a bit deeper into their personality a little bit more. The story although is being developed in an orderly fashion, but the true characteristics of the dance is still yet to be explored.....
All photos by Jordan K
all right reserved studiolifequartet 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

TNUA 2010年度演出: Bulareyaung Rehearsal 布拉瑞楊看排 Part 1







Notebook Date: 3.29.2010
Project: costume design
Event: TNUA 北藝大舞蹈系上年度演出
Event Date: 5.27-5.30
Presented by: TNUA Dance program 北藝大舞蹈系
Title: TBA 勇士
Choreographer: Bulareyaung 布拉瑞楊
這次很榮幸的能和布拉瑞楊合作設計他為北藝大編的舞蹈。3月第一各星期已經看過了一次彩排就決定可以跟他合作。其實我之前早就聽說過他,但沒有真正認識,後來在某次facebook的機緣下自我介紹後就被邀請了。其實我第一次看這支舞的時候感覺很舒服, 雖然一開始還蠻期待會有女生,想說剛結束了驫舞劇場,可以take a break from all guys。哈。。突然就冒出21個男舞者...哈可真的是很多The rehearsal is rather focus and high energy. Bula is a very experience choreographer, he shows no sign of panic and chaos even having to deal with 21 male dancers. He is very soft spoken but direct and clear in his instructions. I can see that he is enjoying the process of brainstorming as much as I do, and every rehearsal is moving into something very precise. In this dance, Bula challenge the role of masculinity and feminine quality in a man and particularly casting them as warriors. He is also engaging his choreography according to the personality of the dancers. In 2 of the dancers who featured in here demonstrate different qualities as far as what a warrior should be, one is afraid of taking off his clothes and insecure about his bodies as a dancer, the other is slim and confident and not afraid to show himself as a Prince. Others follows with unique dance qualities where one has a traditional Indonesian dance background and one is hyperextended in every dance move. The music is energetic classical orchestra music while dancers moving fast and furious in space, this should be a very exciting dance piece.服裝設計進行中...

All photos by Jordan K
all right reserved studiolifequartet 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rainbow Cafe




What: I love everything about this place, the mix-matched furnitures, interiors, food, people and most of all it has WIFI internet so I can hangout there all day.
Where: Rainbow Cafe 台北市忠孝東路四段170巷6弄5號
when: Anytime

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hua Shan Creative Park 華山1914創意文化園區





What: A creative park that holds creative events. This place used to be a wine factory built in 1914
Where: Hua Shan Creative Park
When: 2pm

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fashion is not about clothes, Costume design is not about fashion

Fashion is not about clothes, it's about style and attitude. Costume design is not about fashion, it's about defining the role of the dancers, the emotions of the dance, and the vision of the choreographer. Check out this great video made by Chadwick Tyler for Marc Jacob S/S10 model casting. The following quote is from AnOther magazine. "They wear the clothes, the clothes don't wear them" . In the same way, dancers wear the costume, the costume don't wear them...

The identity of the model on the catwalk, "for this show more than any other, is key," says AnOther Man Fashion Director and menswear stylist for Marc by Marc, Alister Mackie. "As each model only wears one look, and each look is tailored and styled around the model." To be chosen for the show, the models have to embody the spirit of youthful cool; be of strong character; and have an irreverent attitude: "It's the attitude they bring; a sense of ease", says Mackie. "They wear the clothes, the clothes don’t wear them. They can perhaps be less conventionally beautiful than other models, but this show is really about models who can project something of themselves through the clothes." To be a model for Marc is an early career coup – we present this season’s winners.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Audience Review M_Dans 2010 by JimmyBlanca 心得

原文章圖片于 JimmyBlanca

驫舞劇場���M_Dans 2010
時間���2010.3.6 7:30PM
名稱���驫舞劇場 M_Dans2010





黃懷德的星期日是部超可愛的狂想曲���將年輕男子的「無聊星期日之腦內劇場」搬上舞台���很有Youtube自製KUSO短片的感覺。這支舞作的畫面流動很順暢���先是在兩道簾幕穿梭、爬行著起床���開始想著一天要做的事情���梳妝打扮、跳舞、划椅子/滑板/機車上街亂晃。最後���想像自己是個指揮家���指揮著簾幕朝左右兩側拉開���秀出倒放(這是叛逆的象徵嗎 :p)的腳踏車���結束前還不忘去調戲旋轉一下朝天的車輪。


Media Player在播放樂曲時都有所謂的播放模組���畫面上會出現數條不同的曲線���或是冒出各式大小不同的圓形泡泡等���這些元素會跟著音樂起伏做變化。我在由三名舞者張子凌、張堅1志、黃懷德演出的That's it中���聯想到了這常見的畫面變換 。大片的白幕半揚起、半鋪在地上���三個顏色的舞者���白、褐、黑 (連襪子都跟衣褲同色)���像是三條弦���起先是三人一起的合奏���接著白色的脫離了、褐色的也走了���只留黑色獨奏。三人各有Solo���還有兩人的同步合唱���當然也有如卡農般的輪唱 (輪流奔跑���各跑向舞台的不同方向)。




Thursday, March 18, 2010

Night lights II




What: Shida Road, near my apartment, I walk through here everyday.
Where: Taipei City

Night lights I



What: on my way home after dinner in a taxi..when will be the next time I see these lights again..
Where: Taipei City
When: 3am

All photos by Jordan K
All right reserved Studio Lifequartet 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010



最近接了一些舞蹈劇場的case, 其中一檔是和現在很有創意的全男子現代舞團“驫舞劇場”一起工作.

在跟每一位篇舞者工作期間,難免對他們有多多少少的了解,再看他們跳舞時肢體的動態和臉上的神態, 跟能深深了解他們動作背後的原因和傾向。
在出名的美國編舞家Twyla Tharp的Creative Habit一書裡說過, 每個藝術家都有他的創意DNA。這些DNA 影響他們在創作上的每一個決定。早期Twyla在New York的studio裡和Merce Cunningham學習舞蹈時,她看到窗外的交通, 就像Merce Cunningham的舞一樣混亂和沒有次序。同時間Merce 也常常觀望窗外的景點,Twyla覺得Merce一定對這些交通的pattern感到平靜和舒服的, 這也加強了他對這世界上很多沒有次序的觀點達到了一個連接,同樣他的舞就是這樣。這也就是他的藝術DNA。他對混亂的東西感到很舒服,常常也會用在創作上,有時難免我們會想他搞不好選擇了那個studio是因為窗外的混亂給了他無窮的平靜和靈感。
身為一個藝術工作者,可能我也常有這樣的想法。不一定會每一次都喜歡每位編舞家的作品,但同時讓我很享受的地方也是怎麼樣讓這些作品最後看起來是自己喜歡的, 因為嘗試去了解和溝通每個作品的創意來源,結合了其他藝術家(音樂,燈光,舞台設計等的元素)最後看到他從過程中走過來變成了一個完成品, 就想知己的小孩一樣,長大了,成熟了,變美了。
我覺得要有一點點的好奇心,一點點的內涵和很多很多的熱情,就像Pina Bausch說的一句話"I'm not interested in how people move, I'm interested in what makes them move"
沒有好奇心,就不容易了解每個創意DNA背後的故事,你說呢?stay tune..

All photos by Jordan K
All right reserved Studio Lifequartet 2010

驫舞劇場 MDans2010 backstage 後台




Notebook Date: 3.06.2010
Project: costume design
Event: M_Dans 2010
Event Date: 3.05-07 at The Metropolitan 城市舞台
Presented by: Horse Dance Theatre 驫舞劇場
Title: M-Dans 2010
Choreographer: Wu-Kang Chan 陳武康, Chien-Chih Chang 張堅志, 蘇威嘉 Wei-Chia-Su, 黃懷德 Huai-Te Huang, 張子凌 Tzu-Ling Chang, Shu-Yi Chou 周書毅
Dancers: Wu-Kang Chan 陳武康, Chien-Chih Chang 張堅志, 蘇威嘉 Wei-Chia-Su, 黃懷德 Huai-Te Huang, 張子凌 Tzu-Ling Chang, Shu-Yi Chou 周書毅

All photos by Jordan K
All right reserved Studio Lifequartet 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shirt Sculpture: dyed, wrinkled, crushed.



Where: Espirit window display, Taipei.
What: The theme was American road trip Route66
All photos by Jordan K
All right reserved Studio Lifequartet 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Senior fashion

I took a snapshot of this stylish older gentlemen standing under the bridge, waiting for red light. Look at his Kangol style flat cap + Olive brown relax suits + cardigan + black shoes. The man knows his stuff ! Check out the other 2 gentlemens behind him look stun !

All photos by Jordan K
All right reserved Studio Lifequartet 2010